BDCenter Digital Insights recently published its ‘Crypto Exchanges’ report, which covered the occurrence of cryptocurrency exchange names in specialized media outlets over the world. By analyzing the headlines of 2,500 resources on these crypto exchanges, forex investments, and businesses, the report discussed the most mentioned exchanges in the news, and which media outlets have the strongest news agenda for cryptocurrency platforms.
According to the report, the list of leading exchanges in media headlines includes Binance, Coinbase, Bitfinex, Huobi and Bittrex, collectively comprising 71.5% of the total information space.
Additionally, they mention how the crypto industry is the most actively monitored by users in the United States, with 24.3% of all traffic to specialized media outlets coming from there. The report also points out how there are many emerging markets that lack local publications to cover the situation regarding cryptocurrency exchanges.
“In some countries where people show an active interest in the industry, there are only three specialized media resources available.”
Of the 2,500 resources the report had analyzed, 247 of them have mentioned exchanges in their headlines. Russian crypto news website ttrcoin.com topped the list with over 600 mentions of exchanges in their headlines. Further, between January and May 2019, Binance was the most frequently included exchange name in headlines — with over 2,282 mentions.
Coinbase was mentioned 1328 times, Bitfinex 844 times, Huobi 580 times and Bittrex 357 times. These crypto platforms are the current market leaders, and the data indicated that the industry is monitoring their performance closely.
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