As at 2019-09-09 average Monero price is 75.23051756 USD, 0.00731406 BTC, 0.41698176 ETH.
Monero average change within 24 hour is -2.73 against USD, -1.42 against BTC, -2.35 against ETH. Weekly report: 2.11 against USD, 3.06 against BTC, 2.06 against ETH. Monthly report: -16.69 against USD, -8.19 against BTC, -4.58 against ETH.
Monero XMR/PLN on BitBay exchange is 75.87. The trading volume on BitBay is 10560.24.
At the same time Monero XMR/BTC on Bitfinex exchange is 74.66. The trading volume on Bitfinex is 527520.00.
Monero XMR/KRW on Bithumb exchange is 72.26. The trading volume on Bithumb is 154872.00.
Monero XMR/BTC on Bittrex exchange is 75.22. The trading volume on Bittrex is 119482.00.
Monero XMR/BTC on HitBTC exchange is 74.65. The trading volume on HitBTC is 1472667.00.
It’s noteworthy that is issued into circulation Monero.
In this regard, 24 hour trading volume is 62194276.65587400 USD or 6046.65082564 BTC. At the same time Monero market capitalization is 1293953090 USD or $125800 BTC.
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